Dinosaur World Step into a prehistoric world at Dinosaur World, where you can explore a natural setting filled with life-sized dinosaurs. Wander among these majestic creatures, immersing yourself in a fascinating experience. Feel free to bring your own cooler with...
Bob Thomas Equestrian Center The Bob Thomas Equestrian Center, located at the Florida State Fairgrounds, was designed and constructed with the needs of horse enthusiasts in mind. It consists of five rings, including areas for warm-up exercises, competitions, and...
Parkesdale Farm Market Located in the picturesque Plant City, Florida, just a short 30-minute drive from Tampa and 60 minutes from Orlando, Parkesdale Market is a popular destination. From November to April, during the prime picking season for strawberries (and...
Strawberry Festival Every spring, the Florida Strawberry Festival® warmly welcomes visitors from all over Florida and beyond. This highly anticipated event showcases a diverse array of exhibits highlighting agriculture, commerce, industry, livestock, fine arts,...
Keel & Curley Winery At Keel and Curley Winery, we take pride in creating exceptional food and beverages using locally sourced ingredients. Our goal is to share our farm and foster a sense of community by offering remarkable products and memorable experiences....